Prayer breakfast report March '24

Author: Dave Wellington (Published: )

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Greetings all - this morning (March 12th 2024) some of us gathered for a pre Easter prayer breakfast, 8:30am at Elim.

Those gathered were greeted by the aroma of sizzling bacon mingled with fresh brewed coffee (other options were of course available).

It was good to meet with a diverse crew of fellow believers. We heard from one another (along with one or two email prayer requests) as to some of the great things that were going on in the churches and ministries represented.

We also had a short presentation from Sarah Baker from the Cheltenham Foodbank. All of this fuelled our prayer and inspires us to continue to pray for one another and the work of God across our town, which is in great need of the hand of God.

Those who were unable to join us, there will be another gathering in the next couple of months - date TBC.


Dave Wellington